Membership Overview

As a CVTA member, you become part of the largest professional truck driver training association in the United States. You also enjoy access to industry vendors, products and services that support your business.

Who We Are: The Commercial Vehicle Training Association (CVTA) is the largest association representing commercial truck driver training programs in the United States. CVTA Members represent 100 training providers with 400 locations in 46 states.

Interested in becoming a CVTA member?

"*" indicates required fields


Membership Information

Starting a school*

Instructor Information

Instructor Certification Program*
Instructor Rules and Regulations*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Three classes of membership

CVTA is made up of three different types of members that each bring a unique mix of expertise to our association. These different groups allow CVTA members access to various parts of the industry in order to diversify and leverage their networks.

Why Join CVTA?

Industry Connections

  • Access to vendors, experts in the field, and community events
  • Unparalleled networking opportunities at our annual Spring and Fall Conferences
  • Guides on best Industry practices and updates on regulations


  • We champion and empower our members to advocate for practical and sensible policies which impact our students, schools, and motor carriers
  • CVTA facilitates school visits with members of Congress and elected officials to promote understanding and inclusion of interests
  • Our members are at the forefront of our communications with lawmakers and influential industry leaders

Additional Services & Discounts

  • Various discounts on services provided by associate members
  • Access to Pre-Trip news, services, newsletters, best practices, webinars, and a quarterly publication
  • Member-only pricing for instructor Certification Program (ICP)

Premium Member Levels

Diamond Level members enjoy benefits such as the display of their corporate logo on CVTA’s website and materials such as conference brochures and the Get-in-Gear e-newsletter. Members at this level also enjoy four complimentary registrations for CVTA’s Spring and Fall Conferences and a free booth space at the events. Diamond members receive a free one-page ad in each issue of CVTA’s Get-in-Gear quarterly publication and first preference on all CVTA event sponsorships. Finally, they have access to CVTA’s membership list and a free invitation to select CVTA events.

Members at this tier enjoy a display of corporate logo on CVTA’s website and published materials such as conference brochures and the Get-in-Gear e-newsletter. They receive two complimentary registrations for CVTA’s Spring and Fall Conferences and a free booth space at these events. In addition, these members enjoy a free one-page ad in an issue of CVTA’s Get-in-Gear quarterly publication or a 2 ½ page ad in two issues of Get-in-Gear. Members at this level also receive preferences on all CVTA event sponsorships after Diamond members, a complimentary membership list, and a free invitation to select CVTA events.

Gold Level members receive a display of corporate logo and Gold Sponsor recognition on CVTA’s website and materials such as conference brochures and the Get-in-Gear e-newsletter. Members at this level also enjoy one complimentary conference registration and a free booth space at the event. Gold Level members receive a free ½ page ad in one issue of CVTA’s Get-in-Gear quarterly publication or two ¼ page ads in two Get-in-Gear quarterly publications. Finally, members at this tier get preference on all CVTA sponsorship events after Platinum and Diamond members and a free invitation to select CVTA events.

Interested in becoming a CVTA member?

We welcome the opportunity to give you more info and answer any questions about the association.