Members of the CVTA community work to improve roadway safety every day.
As an organization, CVTA advances highway safety as an essential part of the association’s mission, furthered through advocacy for the effective enforcement of Entry-Level Driver Training (ELDT) requirements.
CVTA was pleased to join Our Roads, Our Safety Week in Washington and speak with staff and leadership from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
Acting Deputy Administrator Sue Lawless provided an update on the National Roadway Safety Strategy (NRSS) and described critical efforts across the industry to make our roads safer for everyone.
CVTA’s Executive Director, Andrew Poliakoff, spoke with Ms. Lawless and noted the efforts of FMCSA’s Office of Safety Programs in stemming the tide of illicit training providers, while encouraging the agency to increase efforts to remove bad actors already on the Training Provider Registry (TPR).
The event was well attended by important industry stakeholders and a variety of NRSS participants. Virginia Tech’s Transportation Institute, the American Trucking Associations, the American Bus Association and Women in Trucking were all in attendance in addition to numerous research entities that support roadway safety.
CVTA members are proud to support USDOT’s NRSS and spend each day elevating the goal of highway safety through ‘Safer People’, by offering professional truck driver training to tens of thousands of new drivers each year.
CVTA looks forward to continued collaboration with FMCSA and other NRSS Allies in Action and thanks all of our members for their commitment to excellence in truck driver training.